In case important for us all to always maintain a healthy body, one of which is to understand all forms of disease symptoms as early as possible. In this discussion we would like to share a bit of information related to stroke, ranging from the symptoms, causes and how effective early prevention.
Definition of Stroke
Stroke is a brain attack which happens to appear suddenly as a result of brain blood vessels clogged or broken. Stroke is a vascular disease of the brain (cerebrovascular) is characterized by the death of brain tissue (infarkserebral). This is triggered as a result of blockage, constriction or rupture of blood vessels that supply blood to the brain and oxygen deficiency to the brain to cause a series of biochemical reactions that can be destructive and deadly nerve cells of the brain.
Symptoms, Causes and Prevention of Stroke
By the end of 2012 the number of stroke patients in Indonesia has reached 500,000 people with 12,500 people died and the rest remaining physical disability either mild or severe disability due stroke attack. This data has been a warning for all of us, how important it is to always maintain a healthy lifestyle and disease prevention as early as possible related to this deadly disease. In general, there are two factors trigger stroke disease, namely :
1. Medical Risk Factors, stroke causes more severe in the presence of hypertension or high blood pressure, cholesterol, arteriosclerosis or hardening of the arteries, heart problems, diabetes, or a family history of stroke in heredity and migraines or headaches. Statistical data made by the experts said that the main trigger stroke is hypertension and arteriosclerosis.
2. Behavioral Risk Factors and habits, caused by lifestyle and diet is less healthy individuals, such as smoking, drinking alcohol and carbonated and likes to eat fast food or junk food. Other behavioral risk factors, namely the lack of movement or exercise activity and obesity. One of the other triggers that we often encounter is uncomfortable mood as often angry without any obvious cause.
Common Symptoms of Stroke
In the early stages, everyone is required to obtain knowledge and information about stroke and convince them that stroke is a brain attack which simply has five main symptoms that should be known and understood. So everyone will understand and be vigilant about the dangers of this disease stroke.
Primary Stroke Symptoms
Stroke attack is usually followed by a number of common symptoms, including :
1. Sense of immune
2. Sudden Death
3. Loss of taste and often weakness in the hands, feet and face, especially on the part of the body.
4. Sudden feeling confused so hard to talk and hard to understand a thing.
5. Eyes suddenly seemed blurred
6. Sudden loss of balance and difficult to walk and stagger
7. Feeling suddenly dizzy and headaches without any apparent cause
8. Nausea and vomiting followed by heat.
9. sudden fainting and loss of consciousness
What should we do to avoid stroke?
1. Stop and Avoid smoking habit. The habit of smoking can lead to atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and would be easy to make the blood clot.
2. Consult your blood pressure regularly. High blood pressure can make blood vessels you have extra pressure. This is to find out how your blood pressure, if blood pressure is not normal, there will not lead to early prevention to the threat of stroke.
3. Be aware of your cholesterol levels. You should undergo regular cardiac and cholesterol checks, be aware of the symptoms include irregular heartbeat, be careful because it will increase the risk of stroke.
4. Overcome and control stress and depression. Stress and depression can interfere with even cause physical casualties. If not resolved, these two things could cause long-term problems.
5. Eating healthy meals at least five servings of fruits and vegetables per day on a regular basis. Avoid eating too much red meat because the resulting saturated fat red meat can make your blood vessels to harden.
6. Reduce salt. kandingan eat foods that have a high salt will increase your blood pressure or hypertension, hypertension largest cause of disease threat also to the risk of stroke.
7. Monitor weight. Adjust your diet in a controlled and orderly. If you have a weight that is too fat or obese you should perform a well balanced diet to reduce the burden of heart pumping too hard due to excess body weight.
8. Exercise and active. Doing regular physical activity such as sports and recreation.
9. Avoid alcoholic beverages.
10. Finding Information. By following the development of health information, a lot of knowledge and important points obtained in order to avoid the possibility of stroke and most importantly, still alive with optimism and gratitude.
For those readers who still need more information or would like to consult, please come to the Hospital Complementary "Canon medicinae Indonesia". And if you are interested want to seek treatment, to find out more please see, come, ask, see for yourself or consult your self immediately Tubagus Ismail to Jalan Dago VII 21 Bandung West Java - INDONESIA Phone: +62 - (022) 253- 1000 / Fax. (022) 251-6663 / Mobile: +62 - 0812.2023.2009 (Kidney) / +62 - 0878.9537.5000 (Diabetes Mellitus) / +62 - 0856.9518.6000 (Cancer) / +62 - 0822.1848.2898 (Heart) PIN Blackberry: 7E8C39F5 (GENERAL), 7EBA27CF (CANCER), 7E7C3491 (RENAL) (Hospital Complementary only Canon medicinae Indonesia in Bandung - West Java - INDONESIA).
Complementary Hospital Pharmacy Team "Canon medicinae Indonesia" - Bandung - West Java INDONESIA