Kamis, 23 Oktober 2014


Everyone must be familiar with the term cholesterol. The word cholesterol is often associated with things about the delicious food, excessive weight, age and heart disease. But what exactly is cholesterol itself ?

Cholesterol is a complex compound that produced 80% of the body (liver) and 20% were from outside the body (nutrients) for a variety of functions in the body include the cell wall.
Cholesterol is a substance that is in the food we food can increase blood cholesterol levels. But as far as our food asupakan by which the body needs, then we will remain healthy. Cholesterol is not soluble in body fluids, for it to be sent to the entire body needs to be packaged together with proteins into particles called lipoproteins, which can be considered as a carrier of blood cholesterol carrier.


Semua orang pasti sudah tidak asing dengan istilah kolesterol. Kata kolesterol sering dikaitkan dengan hal-hal seputar makanan lezat, berat badan yang berlebihan, faktor usia dan penyakit jantung. Tetapi apa sebenarnya kolesterol itu sendiri?
Kolesterol adalah senyawa kompleks yang 80% dihasilkan dari dalam tubuh (organ hati) dan 20 % sisanya berasal dari luar tubuh (zat makanan) untuk bermacam-macam fungsi di dalam tubuh antara lain dinding sel.

Sabtu, 18 Oktober 2014


When chest pain, many people immediately think of a heart attack. This complaint is often marked symptoms of heart disease. Apparently a lot of type of disease is one of the indications of chest pain, including lung cancer, breast cancer and increased gastric acid.

Chest pain due to cardiac disorders can be caused by an imbalance between demand and supply of oxygen to the heart muscle.

The imbalance could be due to increased oxygen demand or supply is too low, it could be a combination of both. In patients with narrowing of the coronary arteries (the blood vessels that supply the food), the blood flow is limited automatically.

Selasa, 14 Oktober 2014


Masalah irama jantung (aritmia) terjadi ketika sinyal listrik yang diproduksi jantung Anda yang mengatur detak jantung tidak berfungsi dengan semestinya, menyebabkan jantung Anda berdetak terlalu cepat, terlalu lambat, atau tidak teratur.


Heart rhythm problems (arrhythmias) occur when the electrical signals produced by the heart that regulates your heartbeat do not function properly, causing your heart to beat too fast, too slow, or irregularly. Age increases the likelihood of the occurrence of arrhythmias. It can occur in people who do not have heart disease though.

Some types of arrhythmias are harmless, although other types, such as ventricular tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), serious and even life-threatening.
Pacemaker represents one of the first and most pharmacological therapy is not successful for arrhythmias. Thousands pacemaker implanted pacemaker since first planted in 1958 by Elmquist and Senning. The drugs are no longer used except in very acute conditions before planting temporary or permanent pacemaker.

Senin, 13 Oktober 2014

Be Careful With This Disease Relates Your Madness

Angry is a natural part of every human being, unfortunately angry activity gives unpleasant effects for others. Sometimes there are times when we think that we only express anger appropriately and this will not affect the other people around us. But when the anger has become a habit that can happen every day, then we will be surprised because they will feel our anger, that anger well done decently rough or has been bothering them.

Hati-hati Dengan Penyakit Ini Kalau Anda Gampang Marah

Marah merupakan salah satu bagian alami dari setiap manusia, tetapi sayangnya marah memberi efek yang tidak menyenangkan bagi orang lain. Kadang adakalanya kita berpikir bahwa kita hanya mengekspresikan marah secara wajar dan ini tidak akan berdampak kepada orang lain disekitar kita. Tetapi apabila marah tersebut sudah menjadi suatu kebiasaan yang dapat terjadi setiap hari, maka kita akan terkejut karena mereka akan merasakan kemarahan kita, baik kemarahan itu dilakukan secara kasar ataupun secara sopan telah mengusik mereka.

Senin, 06 Oktober 2014


Many benefits we can get from doing sport. Starting from maintain body health, fitness, positive spare time and to reduce the pressure of mind or as an entertainment activity. Each person would have free time varying. Whether it's morning, afternoon, evening or even at night. But did you know that exercising in the evening was also dangerous. Here are some of the dangers of exercise performed at night.


Banyak manfaat yang dapat kita peroleh dari olahraga. Mulai dari untuk menjaga kesehatan tubuh kita, kebugaran tubuh, mengisi waktu luang yang positif dan untuk mengurangi tekanan pikiran atau hiburan. Setiap orang tentu mempunyai waktu luang yang berbeda-beda. Entah itu pagi, siang, sore atau bahkan di malam hari. Namun tahukah anda bahwa olahraga di malam hari ternyata juga berbahaya. Berikut beberapa bahaya olahraga yang dilakukan di malam hari.


Cardiac arrest or sudden heart attack also known as cardiopulmonary arrest is a sudden stop in effective blood circulation due to failure of the heart to contract effectively or at all. Medical personnel may refer to an unexpected cardiac arrest as a sudden cardiac arrest (SCA).
A cardiac arrest is different from (but may be caused by) a heart attack, where blood flow to the muscle of the heart is impaired.It is different from congestive heart failure, where circulation is substandard, but the heart is still pumping sufficient blood to sustain life.


Jantung mati mendadak atau serangan jantung mendadak dikenal dengan istilah cardiopulmonary arrest yaitu proses terhentinya sirkulasi darah secara seketika karena kegagalan jantung berkontraksi secara efektif atau tidak sama sekali. Personil medis harus segera merujuk pasien yang terkena serangan jantung mendadak ini.
Serangan jantung mendadak mempunyai karakteristik berbeda dari (tapi mungkin disebabkan oleh) serangan jantung, dimana aliran darah menuju otot jantung mengalami gangguan. Ini berbeda dari gagal jantung kongestif, di mana sirkulasi bawah tetap lancar, tapi hati masih terus memompa darah cukup untuk mempertahankan hidup.


What a great experience when we laugh out loud until tears roll down to a healthier heart. Research shows guffaw can cause the walls of blood vessels called the endothelium is more relaxed and increases blood flow to 45 minutes after the laugh.
Laugh is a cheap way to gey healthy life, laugh will maintain the condition of the heart fit and stable, so we don’t need a booster supplements heart costly or anything. Entrusting you if there is a doctor who wrote a secret recipe healthy heart with laughter 1 x 15 minutes a day? The activities carried out in a laugh that portion is not done routinely exaggerated and can protect the heart from                                                    disease organ harm.

Minggu, 05 Oktober 2014


Tertawalah terbahak-bahak hingga air mata menetes agar jantung lebih sehat. Penelitian menunjukkan tertawa terbahak-bahak dapat menyebabkan dinding pembuluh darah yang disebut endotelium lebih rileks, dan meningkatkan aliran darah sampai 45 menit setelah tertawa.
Anda ingin tahu rahasia jantung sehat yang murah meriah? Untuk menjaga kondisi jantung tetap fit dan stabil, Anda tak memerlukan asupan suplemen penguat jantung berbiaya mahal. Percayakan Anda jika ada seorang dokter yang menuliskan resep rahasia jantung sehat dengan tertawa 1 x 15 menit dalam sehari? Kegiatan tertawa yang dilakukan dalam porsi tidak berlebihan serta dilakukan secara rutin dapat melindungi organ jantung dari serangan penyakit membahayakan.

Kamis, 02 Oktober 2014


Hallo sahabat sehat RSCMI, hari ini kita akan membahas tentang Si doi. Si doi ini soulmate setiap orang dan setiap hari si doi ini ikut aja kemanapun kita pergi. Baik banget yah si doi. Siapakah dia? Seperti apa wujudnya ? Iyah!!!! betul banget si Doi adalah “Jantung”, selamat kepada pemenang…anda mendapatkan hadiah menginap 2 tahun di Rumah Sakit terdekat :D (lho kok malah jadi quiz yah :D).

Rabu, 01 Oktober 2014


Bangun tidur di pagi hari, badan tiba-tiba terasa tidak segar, badan lesu dan malas beraktifitas. Suara serak akibat semalam begadang nonton pertandingan sepakbola di televisi….. alhasil, waktu jam kerja pun menjadi kacau, malas berkomunikasi, efisiensi kerja pun menurun.

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